Thursday, April 29, 2010
April 29- Period 2 A-L & Period 4
Also, if you are interested in volunteering at the book fair (Sat @ school) or MS Walk (Sun @ art museum), see me.
Classwork: Continue working on your brochure or other activity for your service project. REMEMBER- EVERYONE is responsible for turning in something (brochure, action plan, video, poster, fundraiser plan, storybook, etc). See me with questions.
Assessment: Do Now posted to blog (20 points). Engaged in classwork: (20 points)
Monday, April 26, 2010
TUES 4/27 Period 2 A-L & Period 4
Do Now: Choose one article and respond in an EMAIL to me 5 things you learned or thought.
- Choice 1: Apple Bans Apps that criticize public figures
- Choice 2: Importance of Investigative Journalism in Democracy
- Choice 3: Supreme Court & law against violent video games
- Continue to research your topic and make your brochure
- Review any missing blog posts from this term and complete:
- Mon. 3/22 - Health care reform & Tolerance posts (25 points)
- Tues 3/23 - Anger post (20 points)
- Wed. 3/24 - Bullying article response (20 points)
- Mon. 4/12 - Be the Change post & Service Email (50 points)
- Tues 4/13 - Quote response & Research posted (35 points)
- Wed. 4/14 - Septa response & Service Action Plan email (45 points)
- Thurs. 4/15 - DO Something- 3 ideas for fundraising (20 points)
- Mon. 4/26 - Email me 4 things about the article/video/
Period 2 A-L and Period 4
Choice 1: Short article on earth day, schools, recycling or
Choice 2: Check out SERVE.GOV or
Choice 3: Video- 8th graders share their service learning ideas
Classwork EVERYONE in the group MUST EACH
Create a brochure in MS Word or Pages (iWork) that explains and gives details about your topic or service project. Must include
- Basic information
- Statistical data (how many are affected, where is it most prevalent, etc)
- Local resources (where can people find help)
- Volunteer opportunites
While you work on brochure and research, I will meet with groups to discuss service plan.
Friday, April 23, 2010
FRIDAY 4/23 Period 1 and 2 M-Z
Service EVENTS this weekend:
SAT 8 am- Art Museum Steps Miles for Myeloma
SUN 8 am- Art Museum Steps March for Babies/March of Dimes
Thank you for excellent behavior and work with Dr. Rangini today while I have jury duty. Any negative report from her or any other staff will result in 10 demerits for the student involved.
Do Now: EMAIL with 4 things you learned from:
Choice 1: Short article on earth day, schools, recycling or
Choice 2: Check out SERVE.GOV or
Choice 3: Video- 8th graders share their service learning ideas
Email with
- Summary of Service Plan
- Volunteer hours (where, when, with whom)
- Ideas for fundraisers, games, activities
- Any polls or data you have collected
- Summary of research on your topic
- Ideas for year-end service fair (where, when, what will you do/sell/share)
- Your brochure, action plan, flyer, or a write up of the research and work you completed for the week (including links to research).
- If you have a brochure or flyer, please attach to the email
BY SUNDAY April 25, 11:59 pm
Email Service Plan- 100 points
Email Do Now reaction - 10 points
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Period 1 and Period 2 M-Z
- Pick up your service form (Lynnae, Shaquille H, Oriana, or Ms. Melville) and review
- Find a place or event to volunteer (walkathon, shelter, schools)
- Talk to or email the organization to determine days and times to volunteer
- Talk to your parent/guardian and get them to sign off on your form (consent)
- Perform the service (10 hours- can be at multiple organizations/events)
- WRITE a reflection- see back of form for questions & staple to form
- Teacher demo proper server and google docs procedures
- Work on Service Learning worksheets- Worksheet 1 PArt A & B AND Worksheet 4
- Teacher demo on MS Word Brochures
- Work on BROCHURE- either Thomas/Bio OR Service Learning
Monday, April 19, 2010
Period 1 and Period 2 M-Z
- Create dvds of school pictures to sell
- Sell ice cream and lemonade every Friday at lunch
- Make friendship bracelets to sell
- CLICK to Download the Service Learning worksheets and open in Microsoft Word.
- With your partner(s), work on filling these in COMPLETELY.
- Email me with questions (
- SAVE AS your name servicework
- Upload to your GOOGLE documents
Friday, April 16, 2010
Also check out
Healthy Kids Day 10 am-2pm
Columbia North YMCA
1400 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19121
Free food, demonstrations, games, prizes
Library Day on the Parkway
19th & the Parkway
Games, food, prizes and MORE
CLASSWORK: MAKE SURE you EMAIL me your completed Worksheet (page 12) or all the pertinent information
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Period 2 A-L & Period 4
- Create dvds of school pictures to sell
- Sell ice cream and lemonade every Friday at lunch
- Make friendship bracelets to sell
- CLICK to Download the Service Learning worksheets and open in Microsoft Word.
- With your partner(s), work on filling these in COMPLETELY.
- Email me with questions (
- SAVE AS your name servicework
- Upload to your GOOGLE documents
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Period 2 A-L & Period 4
What would you assume about Philadelphia? Explain how these assumptions are both true and false. How can our society improve? Do we need to?
Classwork: EMAIL me your ACTION plan with LINKS to research. CONTINUE working on service topic research and plan.
EMAIL ME action plan-
For example:
Topic: Homelessness
Group members: Mary, Sam, Tyrone
Volunteer plan:
- Attend walk against hunger on Sat. 4/11 (4 hrs)
- Volunteer at My Brothers House shelter for next 3 Wednesdays from 4-6 pm (6hrs)
- Research- statistics, root causes, effective prevention, solutions
- Narrow focus- for example Effect of Homelessness on Children's Success in School
- Determine project- Video, poster, fundraiser, guest speaker/program, brochures, etc
- Games
- Fundraisers
- Activities- videos, plays, powerpoints, info sessions
ASSESSMENT: ALL Do Nows, Blog posts, research ( and other sources)
Another way to look at this PROJECT
1. Preparation | 2. Action | 3. Reflect/Present |
Determine causes and solutions · Students research information regarding the need · The target population or need in the greater community is identified. · Facts about the population and/or need are shared. · Expectations regarding student involvement are stated. · Performance tips and required skills are relayed. · All aspects of the nonprofit organization are shared, as well as who from the sponsoring organization will train, supervise, and guide the student through the service-learning activity | There are 3 kinds of volunteer service 1. Students may be involved in Direct Action that includes activities such as tutoring, visiting patients in hospitals, serving food at food kitchens, or visiting residents at homeless shelters. 2. Students may be involved in Indirect Action that includes activities such as collecting food, clothing, or toiletry items, organizing charitable fundraisers or community clean-ups. 3. Students may also be involved in Advocacy Action that includes activities such as lobbying the legislature, speaking out about public issues, participating in community events. 4. Students may be involved in Planning Action, in which they develop a course of action or packet of resources for community or organization | Reflections and Projects Show knowledge of root causes and possible solutions for this problem, the impact of his/her service on the recognized need, who benefited from the service, and what was learned/felt/experienced Reflections must written or recorded (video reflection) for each volunteer activity as well as reflections on creating the service learning project Service fair ideas · Create a game to teach about the topic · Create a poster, brochure that gives facts and resources · Create a video, Powerpoint or Ad to show at the fair · Write and perform a play on the topic · Develop a fundraiser (food, lemonade, books, jewelry) to raise money for your organization · Bring in a guest speaker |
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Period 2 A-L & Period 4
Respond to ONE of the following quotes on your blog. Find out WHO said it. How does that impact the statement?
- When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it?
- How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
- An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.
Begin RESEARCHING your topic for service learning AND POST findings to your BLOG
Environment and Earth Day
Animal adoption/SPCA
Suicide prevention/awareness and here
Modern Slavery
March of Dimes
Search for TOPIC how to OR Topic service learning ideas
MUST POST at LEAST 10 sentences about your topic.
Do NOW blog post: 10 pts
Research blog post: 25 points
Monday, April 12, 2010
Period 2 A-L and Period 4
Classwork: Service Learning
Objective: Students will choose a topic for their year end service learning project.
Students will determine project outcome and group members.
1. Check out project ideas and what service learning is:
3. Decide if you will work individually or in a group (no more than 4 to a group)
4. Begin planning volunteer hours and presentation styles for end of year service fair (play/scene, poster, games, movie, comic book, children's story, etc)
5. Email me with your topic, group, and ideas for presentation (by TUES APRIL 13)
Assessment: Blog post (25 points) and Email (25 points)
Script for contacting organizations
Hello. My name is ___________. I am a student at Constitution High School, and we are learning about community service. I would like to volunteer at your organization and learn more about ___________ (autism, elder care, childcare, hunger, homelessness, etc). I can commit ______ hours (ten or more) after 3:30 pm or on weekends. Would I be able to come in for an interview or is there some other process for becoming a volunteer?
If they say YES, then try to schedule a day and time to begin. Make sure you write down the contact name, location, and date/time. Give them your name and phone# or email.
If they say NO, then say "OK. Do you know of another organization similar to yours that might need help?" Wait for answer, "Thank you for your time."
Friday, April 9, 2010
Period 1 and Period 2 M-Z
Classwork: Continue working on service topic research and plan.
ASSESSMENT: ALL Do Nows, Blog posts, research ( and other sources)
EMAIL ME action plan-
For example:
Topic: Homelessness
Group members: Mary, Sam, Tyrone
Volunteer plan:
- Attend walk against hunger on Sat. 4/11 (4 hrs)
- Volunteer at My Brothers House shelter for next 3 Wednesdays from 4-6 pm (6hrs)
- Research- statistics, root causes, effective prevention, solutions
- Narrow focus- for example Effect of Homelessness on Children's Success in School
- Determine project- Video, poster, fundraiser, guest speaker/program, brochures, etc
- Games
- Fundraisers
- Activities- videos, plays, powerpoints, info sessions
Another way to look at this PROJECT
1. Preparation | 2. Action | 3. Reflect/Present |
Determine causes and solutions · Students research information regarding the need · The target population or need in the greater community is identified. · Facts about the population and/or need are shared. · Expectations regarding student involvement are stated. · Performance tips and required skills are relayed. · All aspects of the nonprofit organization are shared, as well as who from the sponsoring organization will train, supervise, and guide the student through the service-learning activity | There are 3 kinds of volunteer service 1. Students may be involved in Direct Action that includes activities such as tutoring, visiting patients in hospitals, serving food at food kitchens, or visiting residents at homeless shelters. 2. Students may be involved in Indirect Action that includes activities such as collecting food, clothing, or toiletry items, organizing charitable fundraisers or community clean-ups. 3. Students may also be involved in Advocacy Action that includes activities such as lobbying the legislature, speaking out about public issues, participating in community events. 4. Students may be involved in Planning Action, in which they develop a course of action or packet of resources for community or organization | Reflections and Projects Show knowledge of root causes and possible solutions for this problem, the impact of his/her service on the recognized need, who benefited from the service, and what was learned/felt/experienced Reflections must written or recorded (video reflection) for each volunteer activity as well as reflections on creating the service learning project Service fair ideas · Create a game to teach about the topic · Create a poster, brochure that gives facts and resources · Create a video, Powerpoint or Ad to show at the fair · Write and perform a play on the topic · Develop a fundraiser (food, lemonade, books, jewelry) to raise money for your organization · Bring in a guest speaker |
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Period 1 and 2 M-Z
Classwork: Continue research on volunteer opportunities and research on service topics.
Script for contacting organizations PHONE
Hello. My name is ___________. I am a student at Constitution High School, and we are learning about community service. I would like to volunteer at your organization and learn more about ___________ (autism, elder care, childcare, hunger, homelessness, etc). I can commit ______ hours (ten or more) after 3:30 pm or on weekends. Would I be able to come in for an interview or is there some other process for becoming a volunteer?
If they say YES, then try to schedule a day and time to begin. Make sure you write down the contact name, location, and date/time. Give them your name and phone# or email.
If they say NO, then say "OK. Do you know of another organization similar to yours that might need help?" Wait for answer, "Thank you for your time."
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Period 1 and Period 2 M-Z
- Name/organization
- Date
- Go to
- Find a video/talk related to your service project
- On your BLOG summarize the talk, provide the URL link, and relate 5 things you may be able to use in planning your project
- Continue research and action plan for service
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Period 1 and Period 2 M-Z
Respond to ONE of the following quotes on your blog. Find out WHO said it. How does that impact the statement?
- When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it?
- How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
- An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.
Begin RESEARCHING your topic for service learning AND POST findings to your BLOG
Animal adoption/SPCA
Suicide prevention/awareness and here
Search for TOPIC how to OR Topic service learning ideas
Do NOW blog post: 10 pts
Research blog post: 25 points
Monday, April 5, 2010
Period 1 and Period 2 M-Z
Classwork: Service Learning
Objective: Students will choose a topic for their year end service learning project.
Students will determine project outcome and group members.
- Check out project ideas:
- Determine a project you would like to work on
- Decide if you will work individually or in a group (no more than 4 to a group)
- Begin planning volunteer hours and presentation styles for end of year service fair (play/scene, poster, games, movie, comic book, children's story, etc)
- Email me with your topic, group, and ideas for presentation (by FRIDAY April 9)
Assessment: Blog post (25 points) and Email (25 points)