Monday, April 5, 2010

Period 1 and Period 2 M-Z

Do Now: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." On your blog, explain this statement (6-8 sentences).

Classwork: Service Learning

Objective: Students will choose a topic for their year end service learning project.
Students will determine project outcome and group members.
  1. Check out project ideas:
  2. Determine a project you would like to work on
  3. Decide if you will work individually or in a group (no more than 4 to a group)
  4. Begin planning volunteer hours and presentation styles for end of year service fair (play/scene, poster, games, movie, comic book, children's story, etc)
  5. Email me with your topic, group, and ideas for presentation (by FRIDAY April 9)

Assessment: Blog post (25 points) and Email (25 points)

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