Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Period 1 and Period 2 M-Z

Do Now: Review process for Volunteering
  1. Pick up your service form (Lynnae, Shaquille H, Oriana, or Ms. Melville) and review
  2. Find a place or event to volunteer (walkathon, shelter, schools)
  3. Talk to or email the organization to determine days and times to volunteer
  4. Talk to your parent/guardian and get them to sign off on your form (consent)
  5. Perform the service (10 hours- can be at multiple organizations/events)
  6. WRITE a reflection- see back of form for questions & staple to form
  1. Teacher demo proper server and google docs procedures
  2. Work on Service Learning worksheets- Worksheet 1 PArt A & B AND Worksheet 4
  3. Teacher demo on MS Word Brochures
  4. Work on BROCHURE- either Thomas/Bio OR Service Learning
Assessment: Service plan and/or brochure DUE FRIDAY April 23

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