Thursday, May 6, 2010

Friday 5/7 Period 1 and 2 M-Z

Good morning! Thank you for your excellent behavior and work today with Ms. Madhi while I am proctoring the AP exam. If you have any problems try to
  • Ask a classmate for help
  • Offer to help a classmate if you know what you are doing
  • Switch computers if something goes wrong
  • Offer to share a computer with your service learning group so extra students can use one
  • Wait until lunch and I'll be back to the lab to assist.

DO NOW: Watch this PSA (sound not needed if you don't have headphones)
EMAIL ME ( your thoughts. Is this PSA effective? Why or why not? What is it promoting? What kind of PSA could you make about your topic?

Classwork: Work on one of the following:
  • Research for service learning (facts, data, photos, charts, ideas for fundraising)
  • Create a brochure that clearly explains your topic and ways to help
  • Create a 30-60 sec iMovie about your topic or event (PSA, ad, call for help, etc)
  • Create a site promoting your cause using WEEBLY or BLOGGER

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